Jul 9, 2009

Bottle and Kale

bottle+kale from july 7.

also... i'm gonna be at Comic Con, walking around probably looking lost. here is a detailed drawing of me..


Anonymous said...

Wow you look hot. We should meet up. I am a democrat, I drive a prius, shop at whole foods and rock an iphone and a full eccentric beard. You should see my folk band play, were gonna playing in belltown on sat if you're interested.

Laura Dubuk said...

oh yeah i'm not doing anything saturday. and i love to meet new people. eccentric beards are great especially if combined with flannel shirts and a neat vintage tshirt! a/s/l?

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy your work. So fresh and succinct.

Unknown said...

@billsharp booooooooring!

limbolo said...

Don't touch a thing... It's great just as it is.